Monday 9 May 2011

Lady Gaga - Queen of Twitter

Evaluative Comments
This is the package that I am most pleased with from this unit. It incorporates a number of different conventions and shows alot of progress from my earlier packages such as Train Near Misses. Within this package, I especially like the use of archive footage and the way the package finishes, using the subject of the story to wrap the story up. Elements which I believe could be improved include:
Relatable footage - Some of the voiceover could match up with certain pictures - which doesn't happen. An example of this is where the voice over states, "enclosed in a giant egg". We later see a picture of the "giant egg". Ideally, this should have been shown when the voiceover said this.
Sound - The sound of the studio link and piece to camera is good, due to the use of a microphone. However, the vox pops needed a microphone, preferably with a boom and fluffy to make the interviewees voices more dominant than natural sounds such as aircraft and wind.
Vox Pops - We gathered some good opinions with our vox pops, however, we use the same person twice within the vox pop sequence, which could suggest laziness, even if they had more than one valid point.

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